
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Living Shoreline Training certificate (CBLP-Shorelines)

Living Shorelines for the Coastal Plain

For additional details or to access a list of professionals who have completed this course, please click on the orange buttons below.

CBLP-Shorelines is a comprehensive series of professional development workshops that prepares existing CBLPs and professionals working along the shoreline to add Living Shoreline services to their business offerings.

Registration for the 2025 trainings will open in the spring. CBLP-Shorelines will be offered in Virginia and in Maryland this year. You must attend all four dates and complete a field practicum to earn the credential.

Virginia – dates and location TBA

Maryland – October 3, 7, 8, and 22, Calvert County

CBLP-Shorelines is appropriate for landscape professionals, marine contractors, government and nonprofit staff, educators, and others working in coastal areas.

Workshops are delivered in a hybrid format that combines online and classroom learning with practical field experiences. Instructors are experienced shoreline professionals from the public and private sectors, including regulators from each state. Content focuses on foundational knowledge of shorelines, site assessment, planning and design, permitting, construction, monitoring, and maintaining living shorelines projects. Participants complete a living shoreline design and permit application during the course.

The program was developed and piloted in Virginia in 2022-23 in partnership with the Living Shoreline Collaborative, a group of regional and state partners in Virginia, convened by the James River Association (JRA), and funded through a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant.  Work began in late 2023, with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake and Coastal Service, to adapt the training for Maryland audiences.

We anticipate having funding support for scholarships in Maryland and Virginia for 2025 CBLP-Shorelines. To inquire about the scholarships email Katie@cblpro.org prior to signing up.